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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Oct 25, 2023

 Delegation is a perfect tool.  It is always in pristine condition because it stays on the shelf and gathers dust there, rather than getting dinged and banged around through robust application by leaders.  Why is that?  Fear is the biggest driver, followed by poor time management.  The accountability sits with the boss,...

Oct 18, 2023

 Japan is a country where accountability and responsibility are avoided at all costs.  This is most often seen in staff engagement surveys where Japan usually comes last in the world.  One of the key questions western survey designers use for these global questionnaires is, “would you recommend our firm as a place to...

Oct 11, 2023

There is no one way to lead, but there are different perspectives on how to lead.  We might need a certain variety in one environment, but a different model in another ecosystem.  Often the danger is dragging the same model around with us which worked well in one locale and trying to slam the square peg into the round...

Oct 4, 2023

What are the starting points, the basic requirements of leadership?  There are actually many, which is why books on leadership are both numerous and thick.  Today, let’s look at four of the basics we need to be effective as a leader. 


1.     Self-Aware

In this category, we are living an intentional life, where we...