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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Jun 28, 2023

 Many of our clients have told us that Covid and especially remote working situations, revealed a lot about the leadership frailty of their organisations.  When everyone was in the office, the inability of mid-level leaders to lead was effectively masked.  However, once the big homeward bound migration took place,...

Jun 21, 2023

 Three candidates in a row with mental health problems and recruiting fees in the tens of thousands of dollars.  Am I just unlucky or is this a trend? Our first instinct as leaders will be to not recruit people who are broken and to avoid those who are suffering with mental health issues. We will worry they will...

Jun 14, 2023

As a leader, try yelling “be inclusive, be inclusive, be inclusive” at your staff members.  You are trying to move the organisation toward achieving greater creativity and innovation through the benefits of diversity.  You know that becoming more inclusive is the catalyst for gaining diversity inside the firm.  The...

Jun 7, 2023

“Does this candidate have a pulse?  Yes? Then we need to hire them”.  Does this sound ridiculous, a fantasy and dystopian snippet from the future?  The Japanese Government says that if we don’t see a turnaround in the population decline before 2030, then the country will get tipped over the edge and into a decline...

Jun 1, 2023

The big chiefs in the organisation have embraced the idea of Diversity, Equity and inclusion (DEI).  Even more, they expect Middle Management to get on board with this push and make it happen.  That means people who probably haven’t spent one second thinking about DEI now have to be the role models for the new cause. ...