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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Mar 30, 2022

When we think about leadership what is the perspective we are taking?  There are many ways of thinking about this, but today let’s consider some different perspectives which create tension for us as leaders.  “Make sure everyone follows the rules and we will get ahead”, sounds like reasonable advice. ...

Mar 23, 2022

Business is stressful.  It becomes very stressful when your industry is hit by a global pandemic.  Just when you start to believe we might be finally escaping the death roll of the virus, we get Omicron pop up and raise the ante completely.  Just to add to the stress levels we now look like we are entering a...

Mar 16, 2022

Giving feedback at any time about performance issues is always fraught. Providing constructive feedback is one of those areas which we often dread, only surpassed by the prospect of having to give negative feedback.  Ideally, we can avoid negative feedback altogether and turn it into a more positive...

Mar 9, 2022

How did it go last week delegating to your team members?


This week we will look at accountability.   Having delegated a task, we must make sure that the delegate maintains a strong sense of accountability for the results.  If we did a good job selling the delegation to the individual we have chosen for the task, then...

Mar 2, 2022

This week we will look at becoming a master of delegation.   Delegation is a mystery for many leaders.  They don’t know how to get it to work properly, so they ignore its power. This is a busy life and business is becoming more and more complex each year.  The leader needs to delegate for a couple of reasons.  

