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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

May 27, 2020

The Leader Must Be The Flagbearer Of Hope


Daily reports of doom and gloom descend on all of us through the media.  Unemployment, enterprise obliteration, crashing growth rates, plague and pestilence run rampant.  The short term looks bad, but the long term looks worse.  Unlock in haste and repent at leisure or stay...

May 20, 2020

Embracing Change In This Covid-19 Crisis


The concept of co-existence with the virus puts a different spin on the “new normal”.  Yes, the lockdowns are coming off, but what will we need to be doing from now going forward?  We may be moving to a murky world that is not quite office and not quite home.  We will be...

May 13, 2020

Bad Bosses In Covid-19


Douglas McGregor coined the descriptors Theory X and Theory Y bosses back in the 1960s.  Basically, Theory X bosses doubted people working for them and felt their worst elements had to be watched carefully.  Theory Y bosses saw the potential in their team and wanted to develop them further.  It...

May 6, 2020

Many leaders get to the top because they are very smart, technically skilled people, with broad experience and high levels of competence in their area of speciality.  In Japan, they often become the leader because they have been with the company for a certain number of years or have reached a certain age and...