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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Sep 27, 2023

If one of our goals as a leader is to align our team members goals, aspiration, dreams and desires with those of the firm, it implies we know what they are aiming for.    How would we know that information?   We would gather that detail slowly over time and we would check back in occasionally to find out if things have...

Sep 20, 2023

Japan is excellent at being two faced.  In the West, this has a pejorative air, but in Japan this is how harmony can be maintained and everyone plays their part in keeping the public and private faces far apart.  This means that a typical western approach of getting the two warring individuals into a room and thrashing...

Sep 13, 2023

Once upon a time in Japan there would be a thick pile of resumes sitting on your desk for you to go through and select the new potential hires for interview.  You would conduct rounds of meetings, put them to the test in certain skill sets and then make a studied decision to bring onboard the best person.  They were...

Sep 6, 2023

Leaders are different from managers.  Managers have to make sure everything is humming.  The quality standards have to be met.  The logistics have to flow smoothly, so that production is working well.  The budget has to be met and there should be no over spending taking place.  Leaders have to do all of this, plus two...