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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Feb 26, 2020

Vijay Deol summary


Vijay Deol originally came to Japan to teach English in rural Kyoto before starting at en world, a global recruiting company where he now serves as Regional Director.

During his first 8 years, Mr. Deol worked his way up to Sales Director ast enworld before becoming President of a...

Feb 19, 2020

Building A Media Empire In Japan From Scratch: Episode #13 Japan's Top Business Interviews

Robert Heldt summary

Robert Heldt, founder and President of Custom Media, an award-winning bilingual media agency, originally started his career in the Maladives in the hospitality industry.

Founded in 2008, Custom Media company...

Feb 12, 2020

Allan Smith: Ex-CEO of RGA Japan


  • Generally speaking, compared to other nationalities, they are a bit more reluctant to state their opinions so you have to know that, and cater for that by asking for opinions and waiting. They do however speak amongst themselves, so another useful source of information is having...

Feb 5, 2020

Nikhil Gutpe


  • The standard dress code is much more formal in Japan than many other countries, even including other Asian countries. Casual Friday, for example, is not a thing here in Japan.
  • I have had to make sure in meetings, as the boss, that I do not state my opinion first, because then there will just be silence...