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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Sep 19, 2018

Managing Up


Why do we want to manage up? All the brains and good ideas in an organization don’t exclusively aggregate to the top of the hierarchy. In fact, one of the depressing aspects of becoming a leader, with responsibilty for others, is that you are taken away from the front line.  This is especially the case...

Sep 12, 2018

Mentor Others To Help Yourself


The title sounds terrible doesn’t it.  So selfish and self-serving.  The truth is we don’t mentor others because we are too busy and we can’t justify the distraction from concentrating on our own business.  That may be true, but we all know that great aphorism about “work on your...

Sep 5, 2018

Five Phase Practical Creative Thinking


More, faster, better with less sounds ideal, but if you are continuing to do the same things, in the same way, then the sadly, results will be the same.  That means we need to be introducing changes. The creative quotient in change has the capacity to really lift our game.  Are...