Apr 27, 2022
Developing people should be a committed constant of leadership. That is not always the case though. Often the leader is actually still the manager and hasn’t made that important transition to be a master of leverage. We can work 80 hours a week and blow ourselves up or we can have ten people working their 8 hours...
Apr 20, 2022
The concept of motivating people is a misnomer really. It is a short form of saying, as the leader, we build the right relationship, the right culture and create the right environment where our people can motivate themselves to be successful. Yelling at someone to “be motivated, be motivated, be motivated” sounds...
Apr 13, 2022
Thrusting oneself into leadership positions usually relies on confidence, drive, capability and ambition. All good stuff, but those are not necessarily the key reasons we follow someone. Of course, if they lack confidence, then they are radio-active and won’t command any followship. To take on the accountability of...
Apr 6, 2022
Kokorogamae means to clarify your true intention. It is a compound word combining two characters – one for kokoro and the other for kamae, which becomes gamae when in the compound format. Kokoro can be translated as our spirit and kamae as our stance. If you have studied a Japanese traditional martial art, you will...