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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Oct 30, 2019

Luke Verwey has been running Nielsen Japan for a little over a year and I wanted to ask him about his experiences.  He has worked in a number of countries in South East Asia and has the capacity to compare and contrast with his experiences here.

His three tips for new leaders, based on his new leader experiences...

Oct 23, 2019

330: Harry Hill- From Zero to $700 Million

Today we have an interview with Harry Hill the ex-CEO of Shop Japan.  He went from being an English teacher in Gifu, to the founder of firms that grew into a $700 million business.  He has his own leadership mantra, using the acronym VICES.  

V - Vision

I - Integrity 

C -...

Oct 16, 2019

The Leader Imposter Syndrome


In any field the people at the top can be plagued with self-doubt.  It is especially prominent in the artistic world where creativity is so important.  Am I creative enough, original enough, talented enough?  It happens in sports too.  The top players worry if they are past it, can they...

Oct 9, 2019

The Five Drivers Of A Positive Workplace


As the leader you set the culture and tone of the form.  In Japan, up until a few years ago, you could get away with whatever you liked as the leader.  You could create a hellhole to work in and everyone caught up in the vortex had to put up with it.  There was shame attached...

Oct 2, 2019

Leader First Impression Success



In our presentation training classes we ask the participants, “how long does it take for you to make a judgment about someone you are meeting for the first time?”.  How about you?

How long do you take to make a judgment about someone you are meeting for the first time?

People in...