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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Mar 27, 2019

You Have To Chastise People, Right?


I was meeting with the HR team from a client company.  In fact, this was the first meeting with the HR team, because previously we had been directly dealing with the sales line managers.  They were looking for a leadership programme for people being moved up into leadership...

Mar 20, 2019

Change Agent Leaders Are Highly Vulnerable In Japan


The Japan business has been around for many years, but it never seems to live up to the expectations the firm had for the initiative.  They employed an aging Japanese CEO thinking, ”well a Japanese person is the obvious one to lead the business in Japan”.  It...

Mar 13, 2019

How To Kill Off Organisational Silos


Every organisation suffers from the Not Invented Here syndrome.  This is where collaboration is dismisseD in favour of independence, even when it is a cost to the business.  Sections or divisions within the body of the organisation do not cooperate and form a united front to win in...

Mar 6, 2019

Nine Leadership Lessons For Executives In Japan


As the leader are you coaching your people? I mean really coaching them, not giving orders or balling people out if they come up short or make mistakes. Do you have a methodology for your coaching or are you just thrashing around totally winging it? We are going to look...