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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Feb 24, 2021

The WHO team investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan came up empty.  A lot of fairy floss was wrapped around the report, but reading the outcomes there were no outcomes.  If we don’t want to face the reality of why this occurred in the first place, then there is no comfort that we can prevent...

Feb 17, 2021

In the movie “To Sir, With Love”, Sidney Poitier was brilliant in the role of a black teacher in a tough London East End high school.  He was trying to make a difference for these young outcasts to better prepare them for the life they would face after graduating from school.  A very uplifting story about what...

Feb 10, 2021

Covid-19 popped up out of nowhere in January 2020 and we began following the news reports about this mysterious virus coming out of China.  We all remembered the SARS era and how Japan had sailed through that pretty well. We weren’t particularly worried and expected Japan would sail through this one too. However,...

Feb 3, 2021

We have seen Hollywood pumping out comic heroes as movie franchises to get the money flowing into the studios.  The premise is always the same.  The super hero comes to the rescue and saves everyone.  What about for leaders when coaching their team members?  Fortunately, we have four super heroes we can rely on to help...