Aug 25, 2021
Never surrender, no capitulation, “quitters don’t win and winners don’t quit”, “when you are going through hell, keep going”. The leader is the organisation’s rock, it’s talisman, the one who overcomes all. The mindset is hard headed, stubborn, able to persevere no matter what. Confusingly, the leader...
Aug 18, 2021
Marcel Danne, an Executive Coach whom I have never met or talked to, recently put up an idea on social media about how managers have a different perspective to leaders. He contrasted how a manager’s priority is “know, feel and sense” while the leaders priority is “sense, feel and know”. This is esoteric...
Aug 11, 2021
I remember the mockery, the cynical sneering, the derision about leaders having “visions”. The implication was they had lost the plot and were lurching into psychobabble. Being a cynical Aussie, I was probably one of the smarty pants commentariat pronouncing the whole thing a ragged jest. Why was that? I wish I...
Aug 4, 2021
People are very creative, although many would not describe themselves that way. This is often the case because the environment they have experienced has been unfriendly toward innovation. Had they been given the right opportunity to be creative, then a lot of excellent previously untapped ideas would have come forth. ...