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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Feb 28, 2018

Japan Must Globalise But Where Are The Global Leaders?


The consumer demographics for Japan are crystal clear. The domestic market is shrinking and will continue to do so into the future. The population is aging, so there are opportunities serving that market today but it is a shrinking market over the long term. Once...

Feb 21, 2018

Questions As Incoming Missiles


The new President, a super star with a brilliant resume, started attending our Division’s weekly meetings. We were between divisions heads, because he had just fired the old one, so he took it upon himself to see what was going on. We were all pretty excited to be in the presence of...

Feb 14, 2018

Effective Team Building Is Not A Snap


You are sitting there at your desk beavering away as usual when you get the phone call. Suddenly you are called upstairs by your boss to their office. You are informed there is a new project needed and that “we want you to head up a new team to get it done. There is a lot...

Feb 7, 2018

My Japanese Managers Are Duds


   The foreign firm sets up in Japan and they hire an experienced senior Japanese President. Things roll along, although with Japan operating like another planet. VIPs visit. Meetings are held, plans are made. The results never seem to come to fruition, despite the passing of time....