Nov 14, 2018
Leader Roles We Must Play
LinkedIn posts can throw up some valuable insights and contributions. I am posting everyday, so I aim to be in that category. I also look for interesting things that other people are posting that will help me. Someone called Tamray Vora created an infographic called Nine Roles For GREAT Leadership. Whether these role designations were Tamray’s original contribution or the infographic medium is the contribution I don’t know, but anyway, great work Tamray and thank you for sharing.
I liked this infographic because it does draw out our roles very well.
So we already know we have all of these roles, but it is a nice exercise to pull them apart and separate them out to apply more of a spotlight to what we should be doing, as opposed to what we actually are doing. “We know but we don’t do” is the dilemma. By looking at these nine roles in isolation from each other, we can see the gaps and see where we have been neglecting our responsibilities. This infographic I saw on LinkedIn reminded me of what I should be doing and I hope it is a reminder for other bosses out there in leaderland. We can always do better, can’t we.