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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Dec 28, 2022

Fads are a constant in business.  Consultants have a field day. They rush around providing companies with ideas on how to ride the new fashion wave.  They then have to milk it as hard as possible, because they know it will be soon supplanted by the next fad.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is right up there as...

Dec 21, 2022

Shaun Tomson was a famous South African world champion surfer and the recent guest on Tim Reid’s podcast Small Business Big Marketing, of which I am a fan.  In the show, Shaun was talking about what he called his Code concept, based around 12 “I will” statements.  In fifteen minutes, we have to come up with twelve...

Dec 14, 2022

Every month, I check the leave balance for my staff and am always unhappy with the numbers.  The team can accrue up to 20 days a year for a maximum of two years, so technically they can have 40 days available, if they don’t take any leave at all.  Anything beyond that 40 days they lose.  In my company we provide an...

Dec 7, 2022

When we first start out in business we are ninja boss watchers, studying our leaders with a level of forensic detail which is remarkable.  How is their mood today? Should I bring up that request or pick another day, etc.? We study how they lead, both the good, the bad and the ugly.  We are rarely mentally putting...

Nov 30, 2022

Bosses coaching employees is such a critical task, yet so few leaders get any training on how to be effective in this role.  In Japan, the OJT On The Job Training is supposed to provide the guidance needed.  That probably worked back in the 1960s when Japan was doubling the size of the GNP. Today though it is a poor...