May 26, 2021
“October this year is when we can expect the turn around to kick off here in Japan”. Being the sunny optimist from Australia, that land of vast horizons and sweeping plains, that sounded doable a few months ago. Now we have a fourth wave, hospitable beds in Osaka are full and no room for new cases, as the...
May 19, 2021
Pandemics force change. We keep thinking we have turned the corner in Japan, to be just shunted further down the road with another lockdown. Being the eternal optimist from sunny Australia, I was running around telling my team we would see things get back to a better situation this October. Now I read that A1...
May 12, 2021
Winston Churchill said, “When you are going through hell, keep going”. We have all been going through hell, compliments of the pandemic. If you are Chinese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Thai, Kiwi or Aussie you have popped out the other side, now living a normal life, albeit one with many more restrictions and...
May 5, 2021
The Clubhouse global audio conversation App is hot, hot, hot. It is only available on Apple iOS so far, but the landgrab is on and massive hours are being invested in this bonseki style activity. What is bonseki? This is an original Japanese throw away art, where you create designs in the sand, on a tray and then...