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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Nov 25, 2020

I remember reading once about a President reflecting on the cost controls he had instituted inside his organisation.  The industry had emerged from a recession and even though the economy and the company had recovered, he had forgotten to ease the strict controls he had instituted to protect the company.  Covid-19 has...

Nov 18, 2020

Working from home can easily become working apart. Japan is a group oriented society and now the group has been flung to the winds, while people are at home working in isolation.  Ronin were masterless samurai and for many Japanese white collar workers they can feel they have been tossed from the castle.  Japan is a...

Nov 11, 2020

Giving people orders is fine and fun, when you are the leader.  Not so great when you are on the receiving end though.  Collaboration and innovation are two seismic shifts in workstyle  that are fundamentally different from the way most leaders were educated.  Command and control were more the order of business back in...

Nov 4, 2020

Harvard Business School, Stanford Business School and INSEAD Business School are all awesome institutions.  My previous employer shelled our serious cash to send me there for Executive education courses.  Classes of one hundred people from all around the world engaging in debate, idea and experience exchange.  One of my...