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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Aug 26, 2020

In any organisation we are going to have our A, B and C players.  Hopefully no D players but if you do, then commiserations.  The Pareto Principle tells us that 20% of our team will produce 80% of the results.  Quite straightforward.  Why don’t we just fire the 80% and keeping adding to the 20%.  Well mathematically...

Aug 19, 2020

Leaders are now leading invisible people.  Their staff are no longer in sight or at best are only visible in person a couple of days a week.  What are their people doing at home?  How are they spending their time, how motivated are they, how engaged?  Being in the office brings a certain level of discipline with it. ...

Aug 12, 2020

Leaders who are remote from staff have long been identified as a problem.  They don’t delegate, preferring to do it all themselves. This subtly tells everyone, “I don’t trust you”.  They keep the drip, drip, drip of information from above firmly to themselves, as a means of maintaining their position...

Aug 5, 2020

Leaders do dumb things and sometimes they have to do difficult things.  The line between which is which can sometimes be a bit hard to plumb.  I clearly remember the senior bosses coming back from a boozy weekend offsite, embraced with the idea that we, the great unwashed salespeople, would identify the top guns working...