Jul 29, 2020
Many decades ago, I remember a visiting Korean business delegation coming to my home town of Brisbane. At the end of the day, in thanking us for being their hosts, the leaders noted it was very valuable visit and said “we didn’t know what we didn’t know about Australia”. I had never heard that phrasing...
Jul 22, 2020
In Part Two we have looked at getting engagement, having transparency and the impact of tech.
One issue can be the lack of means to measure whether what the big bosses are saying is actually happening or not. The Culture Champions do measure and track progress, so that they can correct issues. These can be staff...
Jul 15, 2020
How To Join The Culture Champion Workplaces – Part Two
In Part One, we have looked at how to identify the culture in the organisation and if it is a keeper, the numerous obstacles to maintaining that culture. In this instalment we look at what the best in class companies are doing about building an...
Jul 8, 2020
How To Join The Culture Champion Workplaces – Part One
Harvard Emeritus Professor James Heskett’s comparative study of the impact culture has on corporate financial performance was shocking. He found that “as much as half of the difference in operating profit between organisations can be attributed to effective...