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THE Leadership Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Sep 26, 2013

Dale Carnegie Training Japan:

Leadership is about creating environments that influence others to achieve group goals. This works because people support a world they help create.

There are five success areas for leaders to focus on that make all the difference. Rate your performance by...

Sep 19, 2013

Dale Carnegie Training Japan:

We have probably all been on the receiving end of it or have been a witness to it. The presentation is completed, after which come the questions; some are fact finding, some seek clarification, while some are just plain nasty.
Perhaps the questioner is not...

Sep 12, 2013

Dale Carnegie Training Japan:

Doing more, and doing it better, faster and with less is driving global business. A cadre of professional managers running organisations is going the same way as the typing pool.
Organisations can no longer afford managers who only manage; instead, they also...

Sep 5, 2013

Dale Carnegie Training Japan:

How big is your database of contacts? How many business cards have you collected and filed? How many people do you know? Turns out these are all rather pointless questions!
The best questions are: how many people know you and how many care?
Networking throws...